Yes, now many of you might be thinking or wondering that what’s wrong happened with PUBG Mobile in China? Let me make everything clear, the game, of course, PUBG Mobile will no longer be available to play in China. As recently, the Tencent company, of course, the creator of PUBG has ceded to replace it with another game, known as Game For PeaceGame For Peace. The reasons, like almost everything in this world, have been purely economic, as we shall see below.

Meet The Brand New Version Of PUBG Mobile

Here comes the bad news for the PUBG Mobile fans in China and for those who play with a friend who lives in China. Yes, now many of you might be thinking or wondering that what’s wrong happened with PUBG Mobile in China? Let me make everything clear, the game, of course, PUBG Mobile will no longer be available to play in China. As recently, the Tencent company, of course, the creator of PUBG has ceded to replace it with another game, known as Game For Peace. The reasons, like almost everything in this world, have been purely economic, as we shall see below. Since the Tencent company launched PUBG Mobile in China, they have been trying to get the Chinese regulatory body to give the green light to the monetization of the game. However, in China, they consider that PUBG is too violent to allow it. As the well-known battle royale game, of course, I am talking about none other than PUBG Mobile currently has more than 70 million players per day, who will have to download an alternative if they want to continue throwing themselves in parachutes.

Game For Peace

The alternative of PUBG Mobile is known as Game For Peace, a game which is very similar to PUBG Mobile but that has some changes, especially when it comes to violence. As in this game, of course, Game For Peace, the players can continue to fight in battles of 100 on open maps, but the blood has been eliminated. Hence, now, when any player shoots any other players, they will simply receive a kind of flash instead of the classic drops of blood. Hence, the game also has a “more patriotic” character that has managed to please the regulatory body. Moreover, the game is already available in the App Store in China, and not only that even it is already being downloaded by millions of users. So, to be able to test it from India, simply we will have to create a second Apple ID, which implies that before we make a backup of everything that we want to save. However, within the iPhone settings, we will have to click on our Apple ID and “Close Session”. Later we will have to create a new Apple ID, in which we will have to introduce an email different from the one previously used. Now after that simply we have to create a password and verify the account through the mail that we will receive. When we miss the message that says “This Apple ID has not been used yet in the iTunes Store, we will have to touch on the option” “Review”. Now once the registration process is complete, simply you will have to select the country or region of the App Store that you want to access. In this case, we will have to select China and we will be able to download this new PUBG Mobile, of course, I am talking about the all-new Game For Peace which occupies around 2.8GB of space. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you think about this, then simply do not forget to share this post with your friends and family.

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