It is a great opportunity to download one of these free books on servers, programming or Microsoft Office. All the eBooks are available on the tech giant Microsoft’s website, and the downloading the book is quite easier: just find the one you like and click on the link that appears on the right. It is not necessary to register or provide any information. Besides, there are no limits: you can settle for one only or you can lower them all. You can always read them later. Bearing in mind that the objective of this promotion is to extend the knowledge of the company’s tools, it is normal that your level will become increasingly, demanding in turn more advanced manuals. As we told earlier that if you want to download all the eBooks at once, there is no direct option given on the website. As Ligman says that “Since the eBooks and resources themselves have been put collectively and are distributed by some incredible authors and publishers, ultimately, they have the rights to update, distribute, and manage their IP as they see fit”. In total, there are nine topics that address the 300 books that you can download for free from the tech giant Microsoft’s website. They are the following:-

Windows 10 and Windows Server PowerShell Azure Cloud storage Microsoft Office 2013, 2016 and 365 Power BI Microsoft SharePoint SQL Server Microsoft System Center

However, if you want to download the eBooks then simply click here to grab those eBooks before the giveaway ends. So, what do you think about this giveaway and these eBooks? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.