It does not seem logical or even realistic to think that the tech giant Microsoft’s Surface line may disappear in the near future, but the truth is that this is the idea of some of the most important analysts and managers in the industry. The general idea is that this exit will be given as early as 2019. Since introducing Surface RT and Surface Pro in 2012, the tech giant Microsoft has become one of the most important players in the personal computer and notebook markets. It defined, and still defines, the lines of future equipment and gives clear indications to all the partners of what the market wants and demand. But the truth is that the Surface family has never been a profitable business for the tech giant Microsoft and every quarter this is shown. Even with above-average sales, it has never been profitable and as something to keep. Rarely exceeds $ 1 billion in revenue. It is at this point that Steve Brazier, the CEO of Canalys, rests on Satya Nadella’s possible decision to finish Surface once and for all. “The surface performance is choppy, there are good quarters and bad quarters, overall they are not making money. It does not make sense for them to be in this business. When the capital expenditure challenge that Satya Nadella has taken the tech giant Microsoft down becomes visible to Wall Street, everyone will ask him why have you gone to a low margin business”. The current CEO of Microsoft does not have a past associated with hardware, having come from software development and the cloud, as so much he associates with the new Microsoft. Thus, it will be more logical to abstain from this area of ​business that is not being attractive. But Steve Brazier’s opinion is not the only one to support this idea. Gianfranco Lanci, the CEO of Lenovo, shares an equal opinion. Go even further and anticipate this end for sooner. “It might be earlier. I share Steve Brazier’s view, the tech giant Microsoft is making a lot of money on the cloud and enterprise on Windows, and it is definitely losing a lot of money on devices and I see no reason why they would want to continue with the Surface.” If he makes this decision, the tech giant Microsoft may be taking a step back. Surface always shows the market what consumers want, and this, even if it comes from sales from other companies, generates a boost in Windows and other Microsoft products. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.