The group also alleged that Samsung didn’t provide a single update in the phones launched in Netherland. According to reports, the group wants to see Samsung providing updates continuously for two years. The group also said that not two years from the original release date, but from the date on which every individual device is sold. DCA also said that Samsung is not the only company that is failing to deliver timely updates on its devices, there are many brands that fail to deliver updates. DCA further said that it is targeting Samsung because it has 80% market share in the country. Bart Combee, the director of the Dutch Consumer’s Association (DCA),  which is having nearly 5,00,000 members has clarified the below demand from Samsung.

What DCA Demand’s Samsung ?

According to this organisation, it needed to take this step because it did talk this matter privately with Samsung previous, and taking into consideration that not much has been done (few say nothing at all) to ease the situation, a lawsuit will be the simplest path to go ahead, after there was no way both parties arrived at an agreement.

Reply by Samsung

In reaction to the lawsuit, Samsung unveiled the official statement revealing that it is already working to improve its updates on software and security. So this was all about Samsung’s poor updates on 82% of its devices. After all, Samsung has been sued by Dutch based consumer rights organisation. With rise in security issues, updates are necessary to improve security. However Samsung said they are consistently working on updates for the security of its devices. We hope that you liked this article, feel free to leave your opinions in comment section.