Tony Cocking
Originally airing in 2020, Toilet-based Hanako-kun follows the exploits of the titular spook, who befriends schoolgirl Nene Yashiro when she visits his soul’s resting place in the bathroom. The pair encounter various other supernatural entities, while also dealing with overzealous exorcists and Hanako’s own dark past. A seven day countdown on the Twitter account heralded the arrival of something thrilling, and though most assumed a second season was in store, we instead were treated to a special video teasing the upcoming “restart”. Further details, such as a full cast listing and anticipated airing dates, are not yet apparent, or the exact nature of the project itself. Most are interpreting the “restart” phrasing to indicate a reboot of the first season, allowing the team to flesh out manga arcs that were hitherto unexplored in the 2020 version. A celebratory illustration courtesy of AidaIro capped off the news, and now, we can only wait in eager anticipation for the next nugget of information (preferably in a bathroom stall, so as to receive the word directly from Hanako himself). Toilet-bound Hanako-kun’s first season has no shortage of fans, currently sporting a healthy score of 7.85 out of 10 on MyAnimeList from over 250,000 voters. This is good enough to rank it just outside of the top 800 (of over 13,000 listed anime entries) based on score, and within the top 400 for popularity. The extent of this restart will surely be fascinating to see, as it was already eminently charming as it was. Stay posted here on Twinfinite for more word on the cheeky specter and everyone’s favorite daikon queen.

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Skip To My Loo  Toilet bound Hanako kun Anime  Restart  Revealed - 22