Dennis Limmer
With over 400 million players, Fortnite shows no signs of slowing down. Since you’ll be encountering a nearly limitless amount of opponents, your display name should express your personal style and make a statement about your skills. And the more you grind and practice to become a better or a more competitive player, having a memorable name goes a long way.
Ultimately, different players will prefer different types of names. Someone might like names that are humorous, while others might like simple names. This guide will give you the foundation for creating a sweaty name that stands out and means business.
And by business, we mean names that will help you intimidate your opponents. After all, the more your opponents’ hands tremble and interfere with their game, the more mistakes they’ll make while playing against you. Half the battle is won.
Best Sweaty Fortnite Names
Although some of these names might be taken (or will get taken), this guide will help you come up with your new sweaty name. Use the names here as inspiration for your own creativity. Best of all, you can apply these same concepts to other games like COD, Valorant, and any of your favorite shooters! In order to come up with a name that intimidates your opponent, start with a name that sounds aggressive and powerful. Think of words and adjectives that carry meanings that resonate with you. Put them together and rearrange them in different combinations. Say them aloud until you like what you hear. These are some examples:
If the name you want is already taken, try adding numbers. You can also use numbers for a specific meaning, symbol, or a code like this:
Mix upper case and lower case letters to confuse your opponents and make them think you’re a young newb. That way, they’ll underestimate you and get caught off guard. Look at these for starters:
Try a short phrase that sounds intimidating. When your opponent reads this name, it will make them stop and think twice before messing with you. Here are some examples to get your started:
Try using another way of spelling words to make your name different. This can also help control the length of it, or just add more personal style. Check these out:
Use punctuations and symbols to add emphasis and effect. You can also separate words so they’re easier to read. This is how it can be done:
Start mixing up numbers and symbols. But if you add too many, it might become difficult to read your gamertag. It’s all about your style and what you want to do. Take a look below for some ideas:
Make decorations with your name using numbers and symbols. This will definitely make your name stand out and show that you’re a hardcore gamer.
Put a twist on the name of one of your favorite characters from a movie, show, comic, videogame, or anime.
Now you’re ready to come up with your own unique name that’ll let other players know you’re not just another casual or basic Fortnite player.
How To Change Your Fortnite Display Name
Epic Games allows its users to change their display names once every two weeks. This is great feature that allows you to experiment with different names with no regrets. In case you need a refresher, here’s how you change your name on the official Epic Games website. After that, you’re good to go. And that is everything you need to know about the top 50 sweaty Fortnite names to use in 2022. For more info on the game, be sure to check out all of the related guides we’ve got for you right down below.