Alex Gibson

Valorant Pearl Map Layout & Callouts

The default callouts for Pearl can be seen in the above image. Just as in any Valorant map, some of the names become commonly used, while others are ignored. In our experience with the map so far across around 10 games, A Dugout and A Flowers are used frequently. Over on B, Screens, Backsite (Hall), Heaven (Tower), and Ramp are also useful to know and are likely to become typical callouts moving forward. Unsurprisingly, Mid Plaza is shortened to Mid, and Mid Top to clarify if enemies are closer to the Attacker side. Double Doors is similar to many other maps, like Breeze and Ascent. Also similar to other maps are the usual Link calls (A Link, B Link, Connector, etc).

How to Play as an Attacker on Pearl

Pearl is definitely an attack-sided map. In almost every single match we’ve played the attackers have won their side, with good ol’ 5-man rush strategies proving pretty hard to defeat without coordinated utility on the side of the defenders to slow it down. Split rushes, fakes, and defaults are likely to only increase the potency of attacks when used effectively in coordinated team play. Of the two sites, A seems to be easiest to take and hold as attackers, while on B the preferred strategy is to quickly plant and then fall back. More on that later. A site has two interesting features: Dugout, which is a small trench-like area with walls that can wall banged. Also, Flowers, which is where Defenders are likely to fall back to if the site is overwhelmed, but there’s a little window that can be used by both sides to flank each other. One important aspect of the map that attackers should not ignore is mid-control. Pearl’s mid area is pretty small, but controlling it is key to winning rounds since it means you can split your attack and not have your entire team funneled into a small choke point. This is a principle that should be familiar from other maps, but on Pearl it really did seem like control mid, control the match. Generally speaking, mid is a little easier for Attackers to control because they start so close to its entrance, and the choke points are much larger. Defenders, by comparison, have to peek quickly through Double Doors, or peek a sharp corner from A Link/Art to gain control. It’s possible for them to do that, for sure, but Attackers can throw utility, such as smokes and flashes, to make life difficult. Now, what about B site? As alluded to earlier, it’s the harder of the two sites to attack given that Main is such a wide opening where your team can be easily flashed without places to hide. Defenders can also hold long site lines with Operators and Marshalls. Not to mention, B has a Tower (or heaven) that offers a vantage point for defenders to hold. Again, Mid control is vital for Attackers, though keep in mind a B Split requires Attackers to descend down a long, steep alleyway and through a narrow choke point. By far and away the most overpowered strategy is to plant in the position shown above, then fall back to Ramp and hold from console. It’s so overpowered that we think it might even be redesigned at some point in the future.

Defending A Site

A site can be tricky to hold on to as a Defender, especially if you aren’t using a Sentinel Agent such as Sage, Killjoy, or Cypher to lock down Main. Still, flash Agents such as Kayo and Skye can make use of sharp and awkward angles, such as Main’s entrance and Dugout, to blind enemy Attackers. From our experience so far, Viper is an excellent controller for this side of the map. Her wall can run across Main, Link, and even get all the way to Double Doors. She looks like a meta choice so far, even if we suspect double controller might also become a meta strategy. When retaking A, coordinate your push so that you have players retaking space from multiple angles: A Link, Backsite, Flowers, and a flank around Main can also be huge.

Defending B Site

B site on Pearl is an interesting one. It’s not especially easy to hold on to given the wide entrance to main, but it’s also a bit of a nightmare to retake as well. Chamber mains will absolutely love the long sight lines here, where Operators and Marshalls can take easy picks. His teleport will be excellent to shoot from say, Screen, then relocate to Tower (heaven). Other sentinels such as Killjoy might also prove meta, with utility to deny easy plant spots close to the attacking side of the site likely to prove useful. Backsite, otherwise known as Hall, is a strategically important location and a good spot to pop flash for Skye and Kayo mains. Retaking B is definitely viable, but just make sure you have a plan to counter the absurdly OP plant-at-box-then-fall-back-to-ramp strategy, which is the meta on this site so far. A Sage wall would do it, and smokes are somewhat effective as well. Again, Mid control is vital for Defenders just as it is for Attackers. If you can stop the Attackers taking the middle of the site you can push up on one side of the map and get a lot of information about where the enemy is. In general, flanking is very strong on Pearl, and we expect lurking Agents like Cypher to get a lot of value on both attack and defense using this strategy.

Pearl Viper One-ways, Sage Walls, & Cypher Traps

Here are some defensive ideas to help you setup properly for oncoming attacks, using some of the Agents we think will be meta on Pearl.

Viper A Site Setup

Viper is one Agent we think is likely to become meta on Pearl, and she’s especially good for locking down A site. Use this setup to make A harder to push, and help your teammates out on Link and Double Doors. The one-way is a second layer to your defensive setup that means any team trying to push Link from Mid will struggle to enter site.

Cypher Pearl Setup, Traps & Cages

Cypher isn’t really a meta Agent right now in Valorant, but he has potential on Pearl. This basic setup allows you to wallbang from Dugout and not expose yourself when your trips go off. You can use your cages when the trips activate, or just leave them since you’re safe while wallbanging. Note that there are lots of one-way cages to find across the map, and this is just one basic setup.

Pearl Sage Walls

Sage hasn’t really been meta on either of Valorant’s previous new maps, but she’s potentially back in a big way for Pearl. There are all sorts of cool Sage walls you can do to get aggressive, but on a basic level, the choke points across the map really lend themselves to Sage’s walls. Walling off any of these narrow areas gives your team more control and more safety. That does it for Twinfinite’s Pearl’s map layout, setups, and strategies guide. For everything else you need to know on Valorant’s Episode 5 update, be sure to check out the links below. If you’ve missed it, we’ve got coverage on the new Ascendant rank, weapon skin bundle, along with our take on the new Battle Pass.

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Valorant Pearl Map Guide  Layout  Strategies   Setups - 94