After the video call option has been entered between individual users, you are now in reach of the group video call. If the exchange of messages on mobile phones was previously limited to SMS, today we have more and more forms and tools to do so. Whether it’s Snapchat, Viber, Telegram, Messenger, Skype or Whatsapp, there are many options for all tastes and requirements for security and privacy. Among the list of various platforms available, the social network giant Facebook dominates this area with many users opting for Messenger or WhatsApp. The latter is constantly growing and may very soon see increasing the number of features. After the option of making video calls in individual conversations a couple of months ago, some beta users have opted for the group video call option. This new functionality is still only in tests, having been chosen some beta testers to receive it, however, now it should be available very soon for all others who have chosen to test new versions of the application.

According to the image that was shared, we can then see a group conversion, with the image of each participant as well as the traditional buttons to turn off the microphone, turn off the camera, change the used camera and disconnect the call. If you use the group chat option several times, you will know that soon you will also be able to make video calls between all the members of your group. So, what do you think about this extraordinary new feature? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

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